Yesterday was a good day. Around the corner from our house the local keeping society has restored a complete working far from about 1830. They were having a tag and bake sale. My wife and I went early, just to show support. Rain kept most people away. Attendance was poor among both sellers and buyers.
With the exception of the Boy Scouts most of the sellers were elderly. We bought a purple Schwinn bike for our oldest grand daughter.
From an elderly couple moving south I got a peavey hook with a stand, which is a forestry tool used to roll logs up off the ground so
you don’t run your saw into dirt and rock. From one old boy we got a very ugly black cat cookie jar and what may or may not be an Occupied Japan cat figurine. He said his wife had passed five years back and all the cat stuff was hers. It was only him and his dog now.
His dog barked as if on cue and he told me “She’s a Beagle. Beagles hate to get wet”. He sold a little glass creamer bottle to a woman.
She was from the nearby town the now closed dairy has been located in. I told them about years ago in big cities, when milk was delivered by
horse drawn wagons the horses were shod with rubber horse shoes so as not to wake people with their clips and clops at five am. She thought it
was to protect the horses feet, he thought I made it up.
I asked him if due to the weather if he and the others be back Sunday, the following day. He said no, “Most of these people go to church”, and gave me a funny half smile. I wasn’t sure what that smile meant. The rain was getting heavier, it was starting to flood near where we parked. Egrets waded in the rising water, the little beagle found a dry spot under a table of old coffee mugs and candy dishes, and we headed out.